1,589 research outputs found

    Cargo Transport: Two Motors Are Sometimes Better Than One

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    Molecular motor proteins are crucial for the proper distribution of organelles and vesicles in cells. Much of our current understanding of how motors function stems from studies of single motors moving cargos in vitro. More recently, however, there has been mounting evidence that the cooperation of multiple motors in moving cargos and the regulation of motor–filament affinity could be key mechanisms that cells utilize to regulate cargo transport. Here, we review these recent advances and present a picture of how the different mechanisms of regulating the number of motors moving a cargo could facilitate cellular functions

    Microcanonical entropy inflection points: Key to systematic understanding of transitions in finite systems

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    We introduce a systematic classification method for the analogs of phase transitions in finite systems. This completely general analysis, which is applicable to any physical system and extends towards the thermodynamic limit, is based on the microcanonical entropy and its energetic derivative, the inverse caloric temperature. Inflection points of this quantity signal cooperative activity and thus serve as distinct indicators of transitions. We demonstrate the power of this method through application to the long-standing problem of liquid-solid transitions in elastic, flexible homopolymers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of D-instantons

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    Scattering of fundamental states of type IIB supergravity and superstring theory is discussed at low orders in perturbation theory in the background of a D-instanton. The integration over fermionic zero modes in both the low energy supergravity and in the string theory leads to explicit nonperturbative terms in the effective action. These include a single instanton correction to the known tree-level and one-loop R4R^4 interactions. The `spectrum' of multiply-charged D-instantons is deduced by T-duality in nine dimensions from multiply-wound world-lines of marginally-bound D-particles. This, and other clues, lead to a conjectured SL(2,Z) completion of the R4R^4 terms which suggests that they are not renormalized by perturbative corrections in the zero-instanton sector beyond one loop. The string theory unit-charged D-instanton gives rise to point-like effects in fixed-angle scattering, raising unresolved issues concerning distance scales in superstring theory.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, Latex, Reference added, corrected coefficients in expansion of generalized Eisenstein series in equation 66 now agree with hep-th/970414

    An all-electrical torque differential magnetometer operating under ambient conditions

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    An all-electrical torque differential magnetometry (also known as cantilever magnetometry) setup employing piezoelectric quartz tuning forks is demonstrated. The magnetometer can be operated under ambient conditions as well as low temperatures and pressures. It extends the allowed specimen mass range up to several 10 ÎĽ\mug without any significant reduction in the sensitivity. Operation under ambient conditions and a simple all-electrical design of the magnetometer should allow for an easy integration with other experimental setups. The uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of a 25 ÎĽ\mum diameter iron wire, measured under ambient conditions with a high signal to noise ratio, was found to be in good agreement with its literature value. Further applications of the technique are discussed.Comment: 9 two-column pages, 9 figure

    Lattice gauge theory: A retrospective

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    I discuss some of the historical circumstances that drove us to use the lattice as a non-perturbative regulator. This approach has had immense success, convincingly demonstrating quark confinement and obtaining crucial properties of the strong interactions from first principles. I wrap up with some challenges for the future.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Plenary), 9 pages, 7 figure

    Violation of the `Zero-Force Theorem' in the time-dependent Krieger-Li-Iafrate approximation

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    We demonstrate that the time-dependent Krieger-Li-Iafrate approximation in combination with the exchange-only functional violates the `Zero-Force Theorem'. By analyzing the time-dependent dipole moment of Na5 and Na9+, we furthermore show that this can lead to an unphysical self-excitation of the system depending on the system properties and the excitation strength. Analytical aspects, especially the connection between the `Zero-Force Theorem' and the `Generalized-Translation Invariance' of the potential, are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Covariant equations for the three-body bound state

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    The covariant spectator (or Gross) equations for the bound state of three identical spin 1/2 particles, in which two of the three interacting particles are always on shell, are developed and reduced to a form suitable for numerical solution. The equations are first written in operator form and compared to the Bethe-Salpeter equation, then expanded into plane wave momentum states, and finally expanded into partial waves using the three-body helicity formalism first introduced by Wick. In order to solve the equations, the two-body scattering amplitudes must be boosted from the overall three-body rest frame to their individual two-body rest frames, and all effects which arise from these boosts, including the Wigner rotations and rho-spin decomposition of the off-shell particle, are treated exactly. In their final form, the equations reduce to a coupled set of Faddeev-like double integral equations with additional channels arising from the negative rho-spin states of the off-shell particle.Comment: 57 pages, RevTeX, 6 figures, uses epsf.st
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